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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Girls Camp!!! ~ Daughter of a king!!!!

I just got back from Girls Camp yesterday... I didnt take a lot of pictures becuz I thought I lost my camera, turns out I had just packed it, then the batter died after 2 pictures... bummer I now and the pictures werent that great either. SO I will tell you what happened...

Monday~I was helping someone on the top bunk make their bed, when I suddenly fell off backwards onto the floor on my back... Then that night I slept on the bottom bunk, woke up in the middle of the night and hit my head on the top... ow...

Tuesday~ We went on an amazing hike. That night at the campfire... I cant remember what I was doing but somehow I flipped over the back of my camp chair, and landed on my back... I layed there laughing so hard I couldnt get back up.

Wendsday~The only thing I could remeber about this day was I had to go to the bathroom realy bad so I was running, and there was a board sticking out the side and I kind of had a smack down with it... I got a big fat purple dent in my forehead... luckly I wasnt the only one that did that.

Thursday~ Was the Bishopric night... WE all wore big princess dresses and had a HUGE dinner of chicken, watermelon, corn, and rolls, then I did a play called the parable of the princesses.. totally awesome!

FRiday~ nothing awesome... just packed up.... then Kylee came over!!!!( When I got home)

Girls CAMp was fun... SO many other things that happened I just dont want to take the time to type them...IT was especially special because mal and both of my parents were there.

I love you all!!.... Well, I will think about it... Pahhahahah!!!!!
ALugh... it is good medicine... wich I need right now for my stup[id alergiez I lost count of how many times I sneezed 2day... AHHHCHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

HEy Kortney this message is just for you!! JKJK KYLEE IS HERE!!!!!! WHO's the POOper now!!!!!

CAitlyn... AKA THe SUPER POOPER!!!!!! ( just so you know I havent had much sleep lately)

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