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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tomarrow is FRIDAY!!!!!!! That means Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! And it is not our wards month to clean the building so I can sleep in!!!!!! I dont have picture today. But I found my camera!!!! It was in the kitchen cubord above to stove!!! Wierd place huh! I feel Like using exclamation points and capital letters today!!!!

When I got home from school today my Allergies went whack and I got a big fat ugly puffy red gross eye it was real lovely, especially how I went to the dollor store like that! which makes it even better. My eye has gone down a lot since then, I dont think it will be there too bad by tomarrow. But if I am not at school tomarrow you should know why. but I think I will most likley be at school tomarrow.

WE are Opening our pool on MAY 12!!!! I dont even know what day of the week that is on!!!! But who cares as long as it is not on a Sunday. Man I have the hardest secret to keep to my self. I want to tell everyone, but I cant till Monday. Darn!

Well, I will leave you to read these long~ yet totally not Boring, cause my life is pretty important, JK JK~ Gall take a joke!

Caiterbug the Caitanater Caitlyn!!! (Dont ever call me that though!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

okay, what's that secret? do i know already? :D Love you!