On Tuesday and Wed. I went to Utah. I went to the SLC Temple, temple square twice, Manti pageant, and the water park. I had sooo much fun! Here are some pictures. The ones in the swimming pool are obviously not in utah cuz those were at my house.
That life jacket was super tight! that was my life jacket when I was like 8 no joke.

I dont know what I was doing...

Becca snapped a picture of me when I came out of the water

My splash!



You're just jeluse cuz I am a Dinosaur- Ninja!

Becca, again

yes, we wee eating brunch and we had speghetti... is that wierd?

When I grow up I want to be a Dinosaur- Ninja, that is what I was thinking.

Why ruby was on Ethan's bike we will never know

Ok shifting to the Manti trip, This was everyone in my 15 passenger van!
Liz, front left, Tyrell middle, Jaden right front, Jared back right, Natajsha back left, then I was in the middle behind that row, ruby on my left, Kayelee on my right, then in the very back row Zach right, Ally middle, and Tanner left. the last 6 arent in here though.

Yep, that is liz

Ruby was reading Work and the Glory #4

DOnt look at me Liz took that.

see I am enjoying my kool aid! liz took that one too.

this trip was amazing and I wish all of my friends could have come. There are so many stories I wish I could tell Mrs. Tripp at school... but I wont see her any time soon. Oh ya that night RUby licked me in the middle of the night... it was ...wierd.. I screamed in the middle of the night it was funny! WE played my new favorite game "Baby, smile if you love me," It is hilarious! People that wernt there should ask me how to play it is funny!!!
ON friday we had a ward activity and the youth served dinner the the adults, so when we done we ate our food in the hall and there are those couches so I was sitting in one and I got up to get a brread stick and I came back and a kid in our ward was sitting in my spot and I said " uh, u took my spot!" ANd he said " Baby smile if you love me, and I'll give you your spot back" and of course it was funny so I laughed really hard and he blushed really bad!!! it was funny!!!