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Monday, May 25, 2009

Hey ya people!

I went camping this weekend! and I took some cool pics. I didnt get the ones where we went up to the top of the mountain cause I couldnt find my camera again! BUt After we went camping we went to G and G deckers house for a BBQ thingy. SO here are my disorganized pictures! Oh, and I got a facebook too!

Here I am on the jumpy thingy which is a bongy rope and I am sitting on a frezbee (sp?)

the pics are sideways but bear with me...

turn your head or something so you can see all these cool pics of Kortney!

sorry I cut off your head... Oops
I didnt get many good pictures of Brandon... he just sat on the ground so....

Keegan you are so wierd!

we coaght this giant cricket in Cascade! isnt it cool
Beautiful mountains!

Okay I have some explaning to do... My camera was being slow and crapy so I got frusteratded with it and went to beat it upo and it caught me.... I just thought it was funny!

Just chillin!

This is the payette river... also the river I am going to float on june 3rd! I am super excited!

Well, thanks for reading this! I hope you enjoyed my adventures...jk jk what am I the end credits of a movie... no, scratch what I just said... Okay I am going to go so I dont blab your ear off!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I got a... well you just have to figure it out.

Okay for you people that didnt go to the Semenary Graduation, I had to go, I had a meeting before.... Wait let me go to the begining....

A couple of weeks ago I got a call from someonr in the stake high council. They wanted to have a meeting about a calling... well I waited to get another call for what time it was at ( that is why I was absessed with holding the phone Ashley when you were over getting your hair done for prom.) I got the call and they told me they wanted me to be the Semenary Freshman Rep.

SO, on sunday I went to the graduation and I met the rest of the new council and the outgoing (old) council. It was super cool. HAving this calling will be a blast I think.... The only thing is now I HAVE to go to all the stake dances, activities, and mutal..ect... They said it was our duty. I told my parents they must have known I dont go to the stake dance stuff. LOL Oh, and I when I go to the dances I cant leave the room randomly cause I dont want to dance and I have to dance and talk to all the people I dont know and the people that I dont talk to very often.

Wow this is insane

Gotta go

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

B-day pics (Finally!)

Hey people! I found my B-day pics! Iknow it is kinda late... But at least I got them on here!
Hahahaha I shoved my face in my lovely cake! (My dad dared me to! I couldnt give in!)

Well werent those Great! Feel free to laugh at me. I'll just laugh with you!
I think I am going to make some super gooey cookies now!! Mahahahahah!!!!!! (btw that was not an evil laugh)

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I wonder when the next stake dance is... just cause our stake just got split... so I just wonder when the next one is....

I took a brain test at school to see what personality color was... I ams an 80% yellow! THat was the highest in my class! Only a couple people were shocked everyone else expected it. Oh, yea, yellow means I like parties, and I am exciting, and fun to be around, and social.

Guesss what it is almostt 2and I just got out of my Jammies, and took a shower! I feel kinda lazy today. I am just babysittin my brothers while mal is babysitting the people that call ME everyweekend, those kids are fun, so I was bummed I had babysit at home, and my other sister is with my mom sellin sim suits at Freedom Fitness.

I dont have much to say today... I just thought my blog needed something short. ALthough it wasnt that short.

Caiterbuggy The Caternator!