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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oh yea and I forgot I also fell down the stairs at teh movie theater it hurt very bad, but it was really funny

Friday, February 20, 2009

Yummy yummy icecream!

This is my friend Meghan and Me! We went t oConfessions of a Shopaholic! is was cute and Funny!
Oh, yea and Mal and her frind Maddy came too!

WE were in the car and havin a little fun! this was my fav. pic.

Now I look like mutated sad Caitlyn.

Then we went to TCBY!!!
MMM!! looks good Meghan! Hum, I wonder what your thinking about?

Ok nothing is wrong with me!! I promise!


Wow I was really eyeballin the thing. I was hungry even though I had already stuffed my self with popcorn! Ah the love of Ice cream!!( and it was cotton candy ice cream if you were wondering)
Well I suppose it is time for me to go to bed, It takes forever to put pictures on here!
Love ya, and cant wait till March!!
Caitlyn (smooch!)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

OK so yea I got a new picture that first one was just .... wierd on many levels. This one is not too much better but hey, It is something right? O and I couldnt stop laughing in this picture, cause well, I actually cant remember at the moment thgh O well. Hey I found this picture of Kylee. I snt is funny LOL! yea we were kinda delerious it was really late at night lets just put it at that. We did some even stupider things.
I wish I had pictures of last night but I forgot my camra. Darn it! We went ice skating for my last YW's in the 11th ward :(. Well I totally BIFFED IT!!! It was hilarious!!! I was tring to stop really fast and I fell flat on the ice and slid!! And MEGHAN thought I was a little kid that fell. UGG the nerve. JK JK.
And remember only boring people get bored!!
Love ya all
Caiterbug Caitlyn!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

There will always be weird changes that's for sure...

If you didnt know yesterday was a big change for our family. Our ward split and my dad was released form being the 2nd counceler in the Bishopric... Well instead he was called to the Bishop.
It sounds really weird to say Bishop Decker... or My dad is the Bishop... or I am the BIshop's daughter. It is really strange.. I am sure I get use to it though... Like yesterday someone called my dad Bishop and it sounded weird to hear that.

Well Kylee came on Friday, and left today and I dont know what to do with my self to day. I have ben moving all my stuff down stairs... but I got bored of doing it...Its not like I am being forced to move out my room...I can take my time right?

Their is NO SCHOOL today so I am super excited!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!

well I better go even though I want to talk some more! I cant wait till march though.. cause it get warm and sunny and St. Patricks day and Best of all Ashey and Brandon are moving back YAy!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hey look I changed my background!! It is soo cute!! Guess what Kylee is coming tomarrow!!

Today we got carpet in our basement!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a bedroom now!!! even more AHHHH!!! and my bedroom when you go in it It feels like your in a cloud!! AHHHH! I am soo excited if you cant tell!!!

On tuesday I started a song by Bach on my violin!! It is sooo cool I already almost have it memorized!!

Humm.. O our neighbors little pug got hit by a car today and it was soo cute I got a picture of it! well before it died of course!! silly goose egg who would take a picture of a dead dog???

I got citezen of the week last friday and the second time in 1 year that is rare my friend!!
well I gotta go finish my tupid homework!! UGGGG!!!!!
Love ya all!!!
Caiter~doo~diddly!!! ( dont say I typed that that was retarded!)